All-Star is a family business that specializes in designing and manufacturing protective sporting goods products for baseball, softball, and football. All-Star holds many patents and has developed numerous advancements that have become standard in the industry. All-Star invented the “hockey style” helmet for catchers and umpires over 17 years ago. They continue to push helmet technology forward. Every Major League catcher using a hockey style helmet chooses an All-Star model because they feel a notable difference in protection and performance.
Douglas Farrago MD has been inventing new products for almost 25 years. His first product, the Knee Saver, is now an accepted piece of equipment in the baseball catcher’s arsenal. In fact, the original prototype is on display at the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown. Prior to becoming a physician, Dr. Farrago worked with professional boxers and helped five different world champions in nutrition and training. Dr. Farrago also has a Master’s Degree in Education from the University of Houston which focused 100% on exercise science. He is an author, a medical speaker, and family doctor in Forest, Virginia. Together with All-Star engineers, he worked for over a year to produce the Catalyst Cryo Helmet, a product to help athletes treat acute head injuries.
Ampac Enterprises, Inc.
ALL-STAR Division
P.O. Box 1356
1 Main Street
Shirley, MA 01464